
It's alive! It's alive!

No, I didn't just create a gigantic green-hued monster that looks like it got into a fight with a sewing machine but has a big heart...

Instead, I have just birthed "The Recipe Files": I have joined the masses of bloggers who were smart enough to figure out how to archive their recipes for quick and easy access to them. Okay, so it took me almost 5 months to figure out how, and yes, I am getting my Ph.D., but it's not in computers, silly! Plus, when you've waited that long, it takes a while!

Now you don't have any excuses for not making alcohol in your spare time like I do...er, don't do. I mean. Ahem. The rest of my recipes are also there. I will try to update it at least once a month, but please don't be shy if you find one of the links doesn't work or if I missed one that you remember. Thanks! The link can permanently be found on the sidebar (over there ----->) under "Recipes from The Accidental Scientist" from now on.

Happy recipe seeking!

5 comments from you:

Anonymous said...

Good job on the recipe file!
Wordpress is soooooo much easier! but I still have to fixmine up more.... It took me about 4 hoursto just transfer my link section! and a WHOLE DAY to do all the posts so I know your pain

Ilva said...

Yahoo, finally! I'm sooo happy because now I can finally find those recipes that I have been thinking about! Thanks Michelle!

Anonymous said...

Great idea!!!

Michelle said...

Hi Clare: that sounds worse, not easier! I'm so computer dumb that I don't even know what wordpress is! Besides, I blame Ilva, because I just copied her! (Luv you, Ilva!)

Hi Ilva: You're my inspiration! Without you, I may never have figured out any way to archive those recipes!

Hi Kitchenqueen: You're further along than I am, then! I don't have any clue how to change my template to something original - can't wait to see what you come up with!

Hi Kat: Well, I wish it was mine, but I just copy everyone else out there!

Michelle said...

It's pretty easy - I just made a post, linked all the recipes, and put the date as one before all my other posts so that I could link to it on the sidebar...you can email me if you have questions: mphilli4ATdarkwingDOTuoregonDOTedu

Good luck!