
Kitchen Wisdom, part One

Some of the most important lessons I've learned, I've learned in the kitchen...

This weekend I learned that if you are using a cheese grater, you should definitely keep the knuckle of your thumb well out of the way. (Ouch.)

4 comments from you:

Ilva said...

I never seem to learn that! Does it mean that I'm youthful or what??

vlb5757 said...

Buy a Microplane grater and that will solve most of that problem! lol! Youth...

Ilva said...

I just tagged you for a meme, do it if you feel like it!

Michelle said...

Hi Melissa! Yes, it's better now, but boy does it hurt to take a shower! Hopefully I'll be smart enough not to let this happen again!

Hi Ilva! According to Vickie, yep, it must be our youth!! And thanks for the tag!

Hi Vickie! Ha, I wish! Maybe someone will forget and toss theirs in the Goodwill box accidentally?