
I told you so...

It feels like "World's Rainiest City" right now, but ah, the summers sure do make you forget about what the winter's are like!

I woke up at 2 AM last night from a dead sleep and realized that I FORGOT to post yesterday! Yikes! Now blogging is affecting my nightime rituals! Good thing I'm a TarFoBlo and not playing the real NaBloPoMo or I would be a real loser...at least this way I can make up my own rules (like Ilva). I told you I have problems commiting to things.

All these acronyms are killing me. I've got a "good" (read: quality) post for tomorrow, so please come back, because I need your help on this one...

6 comments from you:

Anonymous said...

Heck, if you even post most days, I'm impressed.

Anonymous said...

I do understand.

Anonymous said...

I do understand.

Anonymous said...

I do understand.

vlb5757 said...

Michelle, that's pretty bad when you wake up from sleeping and realize you didn't blog. Cut yourself some slack. I know how busy you are. We will let you off for previous good blogging behavior! Now go back to bed... lol!

Michelle said...

Julie, well, I'm trying I guess!! ;)

Tanna, thanks. I was just going to come by your website - I've been wondering what you've been up to.

Vickie, I know! I was thinking how ridiculous it was. Thanks for the reminder! I'd like to go back to bed right now...